the SHOP

Free Resource List for Photographers

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SEO Simplified

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Sedona Field Guide


Chat with me over coffee!

This is really as simple as it sounds! If you buy my coffee, I'll chat with you for an hour about anything business related.

If you're in Durango, we'll meet up in person! If you're not in Durango, we'll meet over Zoom. 

This is TOTALLY unstructured, literally just like we were meeting at a coffee shop, and you can pick my brain about anything. 

buy my coffee, we chat for an hour

Ok SO. A lot of people don't know, but I was once an intern in Washington DC in college. Didn't love being away from the mountains, but one of the parts I LOVED about the corporate jungle over there WAS...  the accessibility of mentorship. A simple coffee invitation could lead to enriching conversations with seasoned professionals willing to share their stories and successes.

I'm never going back to the corporate world, but I've always thought it was a little weird that sometimes in the photography world, you have to pay hundreds of dollars just to pick the brain of a photographer you admire.

So, inspired by my short time in DC, I've decided to allot an hour of every week to chatting with aspiring elopement and wedding photographers. 

Wednesday Coffee

Top 5 Ceremony Locations in Sedona 


Navigating the Sedona Shuttle

Coming soon